Gymnasium Reloaded

In a joint project with Max Herrmann, we dedicated ourselves to the prototypical redesign of the school website of the Karl-Friedrich-Schinkel Gymnasium in Neuruppin. A UX review follows in advance.

Oct 2021 – Feb 2022 • Uni-Project • Figma

After identifying the biggest problems with the current website, we identified basic goals, important users and a guiding principle for the future site.

The combination of new color, font and design language has created a branding that gives the school a fresh and inclusive look. The Schinkel angle forms a central and at the same time historical figurative mark element.  

The iconic notepad features prominently on the reimagined website as a space for important messages. 

In order to enable better student participation, the new site includes a project area where results from study groups and personal projects, for example, can be uploaded.

Start page
Overflow-Menue in the Header
Project area
About us-page

The project presented the exciting task of intelligently combining interface and branding elements and implementing them in a target group-orientated environment. In the end, the Karl-Friedrich-Schinkel-Gymnasium was given an appealing identity and the extensive content was structured more clearly. The innovations in the redesign could significantly improve communication between students and teachers – without compromising the usability of the pages.